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Crayon Chronicles Crack English

Updated: Mar 16, 2020

About This Game Crayon Chronicles offers a relatively short (2-4 hours per play-through) but action-packed RPG experience that randomly generates the level layouts each time you play.You are encouraged to play through the game more than once thanks to the random nature of the environment layouts, but also because we keep track of the interesting facts about each play-through (in our newfangled "Heroic Hallitorium") so you can compare your adventures to each other as well as to the adventures of your friends.As the story goes, your friends have been kidnapped (tragic, I know), but as it so happens, you are brave enough to attempt their rescue. With help from a "stranger" you are soon set on the path to their salvation from the despicable Lord of the Swampyards, Stratolustrious Von Danderbeak the 37th (or Strato for short, his name is a mouth-full). If you succeed in rescuing your friends and bringing down the Swampyard Tyrant, then glory, satisfaction, and maybe a nap await you.Crayon Chronicles offers:50+ enemy creatures200+ items and gear to find13 different environments to exploreSaving and continuing (if you stay alive)Your character will be able to carry:A helmetArmorA main weaponAn off-hand weapon (unused when you have a two-handed weapon equipped)A ranged weapon (recharges shots as you use melee attacks)A skill power (recharges as you defeat enemies)4 consumable item slotsThe helmet, armor, main weapon, and off-hand weapon will all visually update on your character's avatar in-game. 1075eedd30 Title: Crayon ChroniclesGenre: Casual, Indie, RPGDeveloper:Outer Grid Games LLCPublisher:Outer Grid Games LLCRelease Date: 2 Mar, 2015 Crayon Chronicles Crack English This game is fun, trully... but random have too much value there. You have full hp and good luck, aim and dodge? Not be so sure about next common raccoon you see, just 4 lucky hit from him in a row, and you dead. So this game may be look like child game, be sure its not, look at all your turns, spam click = death. I got this on sale for something like $1 and it was worth the price. The criticisms others have leveled at it are valid, but don't take into account the type of game this is. This is a game that you play when you're on an mmo and waiting for friends to arrive. It passes time. In this function it excels. It has charm, and is a good time waster.. A simple, colorful roguelike. Not gory or violent either, it serves as a very good introduction to the genre even if you're 5. Doesn't mean the game is easy though. Its a decent length. 12 hours in and I'm getting around the last bosses.Stat system is simple with Attack, Dodge, Aim, and Luck, with Luck affecting crit chance, in which crits deal double damage as well as heals you. You get to choose from two stats to gain a point when leveling. Price is great for the content. Highly recommended for anyone who could use a turn-based roguething, even if for just a bit.EDIT: a Posthumous statistic:Took about 22 hours to finally win--This is somewhat lower than other roguelikes, but still fits the game well.Winning game took just over an hour.Died just shy of 100 times.Final verdict: Definitely worth face value.. Alright, so , after a few hours of gameplay, I probably don't have the most "complete" or "experienced" review of this, but here was my first impressions.Start: First starting up the game, I went to options, saw a complete lack of options... was discouraged and doubtful.Then, I went to the instructions page, and saw craptons of information.... thought the game was extremely complex and convulted. Next: Started up a game, was mildly amused by the almost joking manner of options they give... some of which I still don't know what they do.In game: Figured out the basic ideas of moving and equipping, ran at my first enemies, killed it, and moved on. The gameplay was very simplistic and easy to understand. Despite picking it up fairly quickly, I managed to make it to the 2nd area, got surrounded by enemies, and died.2nd play: Armed with a bit more knowledge about dps, stats, and item usage.. I re-started with a new name and managed to get very far. After several hours I had gotten to level 10, with X amount of chapters completed. I decided that I was too tired to continue but used the save & quit feature so that I could continue later.The runback: It's a very fair and easy to pick up rogue-like that can be very comical at times. Most enemies are pun-tastic and have a variety of differing actions making them fairly unique from each other. If you're new to roguelikes this would be a fairly good introductory game. IF you are a veteran, you will most likely get a kick out of the fantastic puns and homely comedy.Well worth the money if on sale. But regardless, enjoyable for a couple of casual days.. Reminds me of Saturday Morning RPG. Extremely unique and kid-friendly art!overall, I give this game an 8 out of 10.

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